Results for 'Francisco Javier Martínez Medina'

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  1.  45
    Los hallazgos del Sacromonte a la luz de la historia de la Iglesia y de la teología católica.Francisco Javier Martínez Medina - 2002 - Al-Qantara 23 (2):437-476.
    Lejos de ser sólo una fabulación netamente morisca en su inventores y en sus contenidos ideológicos, los libros plúmbeos tienen en su base las tradiciones medievales cristianas, la teología católica y la problemática político~religiosa de la España moderna; en su gestación también participaron activamente pensadores de marcado corte contrarreformista. En la línea actual de investigación del problema morisco, que supera la monolítica, partidista y radial visión de esta etnia, hay que iniciar nuevos campos de interpretación del Contenido de los libros (...)
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  2. Desarrollo de la teoría estética en el primer romanticismo alemán.Francisco Javier Martínez Contreras - 1998 - Estudios Filosóficos 47 (134):69-84.
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  3. De los modos de ser o la esperanza: apuntes sobre la Filosofía de Ernst Bloch.Francisco Javier Martínez Contreras - 2004 - Estudios Filosóficos 53 (152):87-94.
    En Erust Bloch encontramos un tratamiento filosófico de temas que, como la fantasía, el deseo y la utopía no son personajes habituales en tales pagos. Su filosofía, articulada en torno al concepto de "oscuridad del instante vivido" cuya primera y primordial mediación es el tiempo, nos ofrece una valiosa teoría estética construida sobre el concepto de preapariencia. En ella, el arte aparece como el laboratorio más adecuado para realizar los experimentos de una filosofía que nos desvela el mundo como pregunta (...)
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  4. Ensayo sobre el sentido ético y la idea de progreso.Francisco Javier Martínez Contreras - 2011 - Estudios Filosóficos 60 (175):511-533.
    Se plantea una reflexión sobre qué es y cómo se elabora el sentido ético presente en toda forma de vida humana. Se propone un itinerario que comienza con la narración de algunas situaciones en las que se ponen de manifiesto preguntas que se antojan urgentes en estos tiempos: conflictos reales entre formas de valoración y acercamiento a la realidad con tintes en general muy violentos. En un segundo paso se trata de encauzar los posibles desarrollos de esas preguntas, de manera (...)
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  5. Ser y lenguaje en la obra de Ángel Amor Ruibal.Francisco Javier Martínez Contreras - 2010 - Estudios Filosóficos 59 (170):147-161.
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  6. Entre la virtud y la eficiencia. Teoría económica y ética.Francisco Javier Martínez Real - 1998 - Estudios Filosóficos 47 (136):473-520.
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  7. ¿Por quién doblan las campanas?Francisco Javier Martínez Real - 2000 - Estudios Filosóficos 49 (142):473-520.
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  8. Una economía amiga de la persona. Lectura antropológico-económica de Caritas in veritate.Francisco Javier Martínez Real - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (443):577-630.
    Este artículo examina el significado del desarrollo humano integral propugnado por Benedicto XVI en Caritas in veritate, destacando su continuidad con Populorum progressio y, en general, con el magisterio social precedente. Tras dar razón del vínculo existente entre la economía, la ética y la antropología, el autor trata de espigar las principales orientaciones ético-económicas que han sido propuestas en esa última encíclica social con vistas a un tal desarrollo, articulándolas a partir de dos concepciones antropológicas de honda raigambre en la (...)
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  9. Future generations, Locke's proviso and libertarian justice.Francisco Javier Carod-Artal, Pablo Martinez-Martin & Antonio Pedro Vargas - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
  10.  26
    Editorial: Special issue HAIS17-IGPL.Francisco Javier Martínez De PisóN, Rubén Urraca, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (2):151-152.
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  11.  20
    Impact of Gender and Relationship Status on Young People’s Autonomy and Psychological Wellbeing.Francisco Javier García-Castilla, Isabel Martínez-Sánchez, Gema Campos & Delia Arroyo Resino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  12.  27
    Effects of Self-Regulation vs. External Regulation on the Factors and Symptoms of Academic Stress in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Jose Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Paul Sander, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova & Lucía Zapata - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The SRL vs. ERL theory has shown that the combination of levels of student self-regulation and regulation from the teaching context produces linear effects on achievement emotions and coping strategies. However, a similar effect on stress factors and symptoms of university students has not yet been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to test this prediction. It was hypothesized that the level of student self-regulation (low/medium/high), in interaction with the level of external regulation from teaching (low/medium/high), would also produce (...)
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  13.  17
    The value of the person in 1st century narratives. Women, resistance and education.Francisco Javier Jiménez Ríos, Gracia González Gijón, Ana Emlia Amaro & Nazaret Martínez Heredia - 2023 - Discusiones Filosóficas 24 (42):31-55.
    We start from an understanding of the human person as a communicative and symbolic reality. We emphasise the more subjective aspect of education, as showing the best of the person (educere) by creatively appropriating the treasures of history (educare). With these premises, we approach narratives that are surprising for the heterodoxy (resistance) they manifest, with respect to the social reality in which they were written, in the 1st century, in which they were written. In this approach it becomes evident that (...)
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  14.  25
    Mujeres, igualdad y educación.Francisco Javier Jiménez Ríos, Nazaret Martínez-Heredia, Ana Amaro Agudo & Gracia González-Gijón - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-11.
    En los relatos de María, la madre de Jesús, encontramos un modelo de la realidad personal humana en el dinamismo de su realización como un continuo estar-dando-de-sí que muestra su desbordamiento como realidad educanda, realidad abierta. En otros relatos se muestra a mujeres como testigos del encuentro con Jesús después de su muerte, un testimonio que es recibido por el grupo de Jesús y corroborado por los varones de la comunidad para hacerlo llegar más allá de sus fronteras. En el (...)
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  15.  23
    Los Himnos "sobre la Perla" de San Efrén de Nisibe (De Fide LXXXI-LXXXV).Francisco Javier Martínez - 1991 - Salmanticensis 38 (1):5-32.
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  16.  37
    Flora Abasolo: Cartas inéditas a Miguel de Unamuno.Francisco Javier Cordero Morales & Pablo Rodrigo Martínez Becerra - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):94-108.
    El artículo trata sobre las Cartas inéditas enviadas por la escritora chilena Flora Abasolo al filósofo vasco Miguel de Unamuno. Se da cuenta, primero, de la producción literaria de la escritora dado el evidente desconocimiento que de ella existe dentro del ámbito intelectual nacional. Luego se hace referencia a las Cartas en tanto forman parte de la iniciativa comunicacional y editorial emprendida por Flora en pro del reconocimiento del nombre de su padre, el filósofo Jenaro Abasolo, y de su obra (...)
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  17.  10
    Level of knowledge of bioethics in health sciences students.Francisco Javier González-Blázquez, Clara López-Mora, Jorge San José-Tárrega, Antonio Ruiz-Hontangas, Silvia Trujillo-Barberá & Pedro García-Martínez - forthcoming - International Journal of Ethics Education:1-17.
    The training of healthcare professionals goes beyond technical skills, requiring the development of humanistic competencies to balance the technical and the human aspects. Bioethics, essential in health programs, addresses juridical-moral conflicts arising from the interaction between social values and science. The inclusion of bioethics in curricula is crucial to prepare healthcare professionals for contemporary ethical dilemmas. This study aims to highlight the perception of bioethical and professional deontology knowledge among Health Degree students, providing a critical foundation to strengthen ethical education (...)
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  18.  23
    Online sustainable development goals disclosure: A comparative study in Italian and Spanish local governments.Giuseppe Nicolò, Francisco Javier Andrades-Peña, Diana Ferullo & Domingo Martinez-Martinez - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1490-1505.
    In this study, we performed a comparative analysis to examine the extent to which local governments (LGs) in two Mediterranean countries – Spain and Italy – use their websites to disclose information related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in response to the launch of the United Nations' (UN) 2030 Agenda. We performed a manual content analysis of the official websites of all Italian and Spanish LGs with more than 100,000 inhabitants, constructing different disclosure indexes. We then used a non-parametric statistical (...)
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  19.  30
    Parsimonious Modelling for Estimating Hospital Cooling Demand to Improve Energy Efficiency.Eduardo Dulce-Chamorro & Francisco Javier Martinez-de-Pison - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (4):635-648.
    Of all the different types of public buildings, hospitals are the biggest energy consumers. Cooling systems for air conditioning and healthcare uses are particularly energy intensive. Forecasting hospital thermal-cooling demand is a remarkable and innovative method capable of improving the overall energy efficiency of an entire cooling system. Predictive models allow users to forecast the activity of water-cooled generators and adapt power generation to the real demand expected for the day ahead, while avoiding inefficient subcooling. In addition, the maintenance costs (...)
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  20.  28
    Impact of Gender and Relationship Status on Young People’s Autonomy and Psychological Wellbeing.Francisco Javier García-Castilla, Isabel Martínez Sánchez, Gema Campos & Delia Arroyo Resino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21. Una economía amiga de la persona. Lectura antropológico-económica de Caritas in veritate.Francisco Javier Martinez Real - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (3):577-629.
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  22.  24
    Percepción del alumnado sobre la evaluación de historia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria: análisis de las calificaciones esperadas y obtenidas.Francisco Javier Trigueros Cano, Pedro Miralles Martínez, Jesús Molina Saorín & Antonio Maurandi López - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):449.
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  23. Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport.Cesar R. Torres, Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & María José Martínez Patiño - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):33-49.
    In this article, we scrutinize views that justify exclusionary policies regarding transgender athletes based primarily on physiological criteria. We introduce and examine some elements that deserve...
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  24.  30
    Applying the SRL vs. ERL Theory to the Knowledge of Achievement Emotions in Undergraduate University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Manuel Mariano Vera & Paola Paoloni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  25.  71
    Implications of Unconnected Micro, Molecular, and Molar Level Research in Psychology: The Case of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation.Jesús de la Fuente, María Carmen González-Torres, Maite Aznárez-Sanado, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez & Manuel Mariano Vera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26.  26
    Differential Predictive Effect of Self-Regulation Behavior and the Combination of Self- vs. External Regulation Behavior on Executive Dysfunctions and Emotion Regulation Difficulties, in University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Manuel Mariano Vera-Martínez & Magdalena P. Andrés-Romero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876292.
    The aim of this research was to establish linear relations (association and prediction) and inferential relations between three constructs at different levels of psychological research –executive dysfunction(microanalysis),self-regulation(molecular level), andself-vs.external regulation(molar level), in the prediction of emotion regulation difficulties. We hypothesized that personal and contextual regulatory factors would be negatively related to levels of executive dysfunction and emotion regulation difficulties; by way of complement, non-regulatory and dysregulatory personal, and contextual factors would be positively related to these same difficulties. To establish relationships, (...)
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  27. Self- vs. External-Regulation Behavior ScaleTM in different psychological contexts: A validation study.Jesús de la Fuente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova & Paul Sander - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The self- vs. external-regulation behavior theory, SR-ER Theory model has postulated the Self-Regulation /Non or De-Regulation/Dys-regulation continuum in the person and in their context. The model also generates a behavioral heuristic that allows us to predict and explain the variability of other dependent behavioral variables in a range of scenarios. Consequently, the objective of this study was to validate the different scales prepared on the basis of the theory presented. A total of 469 students voluntarily completed at different times the (...)
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  28.  1
    El genio en el siglo XVIII, de Luciana Martínez y Esteban Ponce, eds.Francisco Javier Carvajal Jiménez - 2025 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 57 (158):290-295.
    En la presente recensión voy a exponer las ideas principales del libro El genio en el siglo XVIII. Aquí se presenta el desarrollo histórico de un concepto relevante en el ámbito de la estética, a saber: el de genio. De este modo, la idea se examina desde la Francia preilustrada hasta el siglo XVIII en Alemania. Además, se realizan estudios acerca del concepto de genio en autores hispanoamericanos y en una precursora del feminismo, como Mary Wollstonecraft. A la hora de (...)
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  29.  39
    Lo sonoro, lo luminoso y lo líquido como elementos que construyen lo fantástico y lo sepulcral en la leyenda El miserere de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.Carmina Alejandra García Serrano, Gabino Cárdenas Olivares, Francisco Javier Ponce Martínez & Jovany Escareño Davalos - 2019 - Argos 7 (19):138-154.
    En el presente artículo se pretende demostrar que lo sonoro, lo luminoso y lo líquido, como elementos semánticos, son fundamentales para la construcción de lo fantástico y lo sepulcral en la leyenda El miserere de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Estos elementos se interrelacionan por medio del ambiente sepulcral que se presenta en el texto, por medio de metáforas que los vinculan, y por medio de la forma en que se manifiestan en lo posible y lo imposible, cuya unión permite que lo (...)
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  30.  38
    Roma Women’s Perspectives on End-of-Life Decisions.Patricia Peinado-Gorlat, Francisco Javier Castro-Martínez, Beatriz Arriba-Marcos, Miguel Melguizo-Jiménez & Inés Barrio-Cantalejo - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (4):687-698.
    Spain’s Roma community has its own cultural and moral values. These values influence the way in which end-of-life decision-making is confronted. The objective of this study was to explore the perspective of Roma women on end-of-life decision-making. It was a qualitative study involving thirty-three Roma women belonging to groups for training and social development in two municipalities. We brought together five focus groups between February and December 2012. Six mediators each recruited five to six participants. We considered age and care (...)
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    Opponent or allied? An European analysis of the union presence and human resource practices.Inés Martínez-Corts, Juan Pablo Moreno-Beltrán, Santiago Renedo & Francisco J. Medina - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human Resources Practices and unions coexist in some organisations to manage the employment relationships of the workers. In this study, we analyse how the presence/absence of unions and HRPs are combined in private European organisations, and which of these combinations are related to higher levels of wellbeing and the quality of labor relations. Data come from 24,503 workers of private organisations, obtained from the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey. Latent profiles analysis and different analyses of the variance suggested four different (...)
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  32.  23
    Perceptions on the procedures and techniques for assessing history and defining teaching profiles. Teacher training in Spain and the United Kingdom.Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco, Pedro Miralles Martínez, Jairo Rodríguez Medina & Javier J. Maquilón Sánchez - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-19.
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  33.  21
    Beyond secular faith : philosophy, economics, politics, and literature.Mátyás Szalay, Francisco Javier & Martinez Fernández (eds.) - 2023 - Eugene, Ore.: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Attempts to reach an understanding of how to live a Christian life in the contemporary context have never been more necessary. This is the aim of the International Symposium: Beyond Secular Faith, an annual conference held in Granada, Spain. This volume represents the fruits of over seven years of scholarship. The title Beyond Secular Faith suggests we are interested in (re)discovering and reflectively elaborating ways to overcome the limits imposed by the dominant contemporary culture. We are convinced that only a (...)
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  34.  25
    ¿Castigar o premiar? Las sanciones positivas.Javier García Medina - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
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    Democracia, ciudadanía y promoción y protección de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales.Javier García Medina - 2025 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 59.
    Las democracias distan mucho de ser perfectas, como lo demuestra el hecho de que una parte de la población se encuentra en situación de exclusión y vulnerabilidad. Condición que, cuando menos, les impide participar de la vida pública y, por tanto, de contribuir a formar las políticas públicas que, en materia de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, habrían de darse para paliar esos déficits en la protección de los derechos, que son también déficits de la propia democracia. Este contexto, obliga (...)
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  36.  20
    Some Reflections on Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Politics. Exploring the Intellectual Trajectory of Alain Badiou.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Simone Medina Polo, Andrea Perunović, Hernán Scholten, Javier Camargo-Castillo, Alberto León, Gonzalo Salas, Florian Maiwald, Antonio Letelier, Brian Willems, Francisco Alejandro Vergara Muñoz, Karla Castillo Villapudua & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):405-414.
    A la luz de algunas críticas recientes, en el marco de este texto se busca impulsar un debate que tiene lugar en dos frentes: por una parte, la lógica del origen de la lógica y, por otra parte, la relación entre psicoanálisis y marxismo. Para ello se recuperan algunos textos publicados por Alain Badiou hacia finales de la década de 1960, en los que polemiza con Jacques-Alain Miller alrededor de los concepto de "sutura" y "sujeto" (Zizek), para situar tanto las (...)
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  37. The discoveries of the Sacromonte in the light of church history and Catholic theology.F. J. Martinez Medina - 2002 - Al-Qantara 23 (2):437-475.
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  38.  55
    Psychoanalyzing the Grasshopper: Society, Work and Repressed Play in Suits’ Riddle.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (2):251-265.
    In this article, I draw on psychoanalysis to provide a novel understanding of Suits’ theory of games by analyzing the riddle in the Grasshopper’s recurring dream, which Suits presents in his semina...
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  39.  91
    A Kantian view of Suits’ Utopia: ‘a kingdom of autotelically-motivated game players’.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (1):138-151.
    In this paper, I engage the debate on Suits’ theory of games by providing a Kantian view of Utopia. I argue that although the Kantian aspects of Suits’ approach are often overlooked in comparison to its Socratic-Platonic aspects, Kant’s ideas play a fundamental role in Suits’ proposal. In particular, Kant’s concept of ‘regulative idea’ is the basis of Suits’ Utopia. I regard Utopia as Suits’ regulative idea on game playing. In doing so, I take Utopia to play a double role (...)
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  40.  21
    Concussion and brain injuries in sport: conceptual, ethical and legal perspectives.Francisco Javier López Frías & Mike McNamee - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):259-266.
    This special issue examines critical ethical, legal, and policy debates surrounding brain trauma in sport, focusing on challenges in concussion management practices and protocols. Brain injury concerns extend beyond traditional contact sports like boxing, encompassing sporting activities involving rapid acceleration, deceleration, and surface impacts, such as cycling and equestrian sports. Among such problems are the identification and management of brain injuries, the roles of officials and healthcare professionals, and the broader implications for sport integrity and athlete careers. The special issue (...)
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  41.  93
    Ethics, Brain Injuries, and Sports: Prohibition, Reform, and Prudence.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Mike McNamee - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):264-280.
    In this paper, we explore the issue of the elimination of sports, or elements of sports, that present a high risk of brain injury. In particular, we critically examine two elements of Angelo Corlett’s and Pam Sailors’ arguments for the prohibition of football and Nicholas Dixon’s claim for the reformation of boxing to eliminate blows to the head based on the empirical assumption of an essential or causal connection between brain injuries incurred in football and the development of a degenerative (...)
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  42.  66
    Embodied experience, embodied advantage, and the inclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sport: expanded framework, criticisms, and policy recommendations.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Cesar R. Torres - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (5):527-547.
    In a previous paper entitled ‘Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport,’ we claim that analyses of the inclusion or exclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sport must go beyond physiological criteria and incorporate the notions of embodied experience and embodied advantage. Our stance has recently been challenged as impractical and excessively exclusionary. In this paper, we address these challenges and build upon them to expand on the policy implications of our original (...)
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  43.  72
    Does play constitute the good life? Suits and Aristotle on autotelicity and living well.Francisco Javier Lopez Frías - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):168-182.
    Bernard Suits’ account of play as an autotelic activity has been greatly influential in the philosophy of sport. Suits borrows the notion of ‘autotelicity’ from Aristotle’s ethics, formulating diff...
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    Review of Francisco Javier Conde: El Hombre, Animal Político. [REVIEW]Francisco Javier Conde - 1959 - Ethics 69 (3):219-220.
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    Autonomy, relationality, and brain-injured athletes: a critical examination of the Concussion in Sport Group’s Consensus Statements between 2001 and 2023.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Mike McNamee - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):383-403.
    This article critically examines the development and consensus outputs of the Concussion in Sport Group. We examine the six Consensus Statements between 2001 and 2023 to explore the challenges that the presence of contextual forces pose to the development of effective and ethically justifiable medical guidelines to manage situations involving brain-injured athletes. First, we discuss the implicit and explicit ethical framework and goals underlining the statements. Secondly, drawing on a relational account of athlete choice, we expound on the limitations of (...)
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  46.  69
    Bernard Suits’ Response to the Question on the Meaning of Life as a Critique of Modernity.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (3-4):406-418.
    ABSTRACTThe Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia by Bernard Suits is one of the most influential works in the philosophy of sport. In the book, Suits investigates two fundamental issues in general p...
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  47.  33
    Seeking and Confronting Self-Imposed Challenges Set One Free: Suits, Psychoanalysis, and Sport Philosophy.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):105-121.
    Since Sigmund Freud developed and popularized psychoanalysis, this psychological theory has significantly influenced contemporary thinking, particularly in philosophical disciplines focused on understanding human behavior and addressing social problems. Take the examples of political philosophy, race theory, and feminist thought, among many others. However, although sport philosophy qualifies as one such discipline, scholars in this field have given little to no attention to psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical theorists. Remarkably, psychoanalytical notions, especially those of Eric Berne and Norman O. Brown, significantly shaped Bernard (...)
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    Will robots ever play sports?Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & José Luis Pérez Triviño - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):67-82.
    This paper addresses the possibility of robots engaging in sports. Recently, several movies like Ex-Machina, Chappi, and Transcendence challenge the spectator to think of the consequences of creating artificial intelligences. Although we refer to athletes who have outstanding sporting performances as machines, for example, in cycling people say ‘the cyclist looked like a machine with wheels,’ the potential participation of such AI in sport has not been addressed. For our argument’s sake, we will assume that the creation of human-like robots (...)
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  49.  51
    A Framework to Evaluate Justice Claims in the Russian State-Led Doping Case.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias, Brett Diaz & Rachel Park - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (4):427-442.
    In this article, we examine scholarly analyses of justice and develop a framework that can help assess the claims from the parties in the Russian state-led doping scandal, including, but not limited to, Russian athletes, non-Russian athletes, the World Anti-Doping Agency, and sport governing bodies. The two key components of this justice framework are pluralism and relationality/contextuality. We argue that a justice framework built upon these elements better captures the nature of justice. We conclude that no party in the Russian (...)
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  50.  50
    Ants, grasshoppers, asshoppers, and crickets cohabit in Utopia: the anthropological foundations of Bernard Suits’ analyses of gameplay and good living.Francisco Javier Lopez Frías - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (1):117-133.
    In this article, I consider Alkis Kontos’ and Allan Bäck’s critiques to Suits that his theory of games and good living lack ontological grounds or rests on the wrong foundations. Taking these criti...
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